Motorola Unlock Codes
Motorola unlock code-V300 Motorola razr Cell phone Unlock
Unlock motorola codes for v3 and razr.
motorola cellular T205/T19x
most of the code applicable to Motorola d460,6200,Motorola cellphone 7500,
Motorola Unlock codes for 8200,8400, 8700,V3688.
*#06# -> Displays imei for
*#300# OK -> List the Software & Hardware Version of motorola cellular
*#301# OK -> Full Keypads Functional Test
*#303# Ok -> Set Default Language to English
*304# OK -> Set OFF engineering mode new cellular phone
#304*19980722# -> Set ON Engineering mode
*#305# OK -> Location: 1 OK
*#307# OK -> Engineering Test Mode
*#311# OK -> Phone code changed to default code
*#400# OK -> ADC, Cal val*
*#402# OK -> Adjust Display Intensity/Contrast
*#403# OK -> List the manufacturing Informations of motorola cellular
19980722 OK -> Master Unlock code for Phone & Sim
this code are independent of whether it is new cellular phone or pre paid cell phone.And it may work with one model and not working with other model like Unlock Motorola rarz code may not work with motorla v3.
*#302# OK -> Acoustic Test*
*3370# -> Enhanced Full Rate
#3370# -> Deactivate Enhanced full Rate
*#72837726# OK -> Confirm?, Data Saved
1234 OK Phone Code Default
*#0000# OK -> Settings saved, restore set phone
to default language.